We wish to attain the spiritual consciousness to kindle the aspirations
for self-realisation among the people of the world...

The Great Sayings

The bodily appearance is not all.
The form deceives, the personality is a mask;
Hid deep in man celestial powers can dwell
His fragile ship conveys through the sea of years
An Incognito of the Imperishable.

- Sri Aurobindo

Science, logic, democracy are all tending towards
spiritual democratic movement and when man has learned to be
spiritually free from all dogmas then the vedic
spirit will draw upon him making heaven and the earth one.

- Sri Anirban

  • Our Prayer

    Oh! Divine Mother, our soul aspires that the world of 21st century be free from exploitation....

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  • Mother Nature

    Mother Nature is the manifestation of "Brahma" i.e. the eternal consciousness. Like a lovable mother, she...

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